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Cambridge Examinations

In 2022 our School engaged in the Project of having students taking the Cambridge English

Exams, either the Preliminary English Test (PET) or the First Certificate English (FCE), depending on their English level.

Once the 8 interested students supported by their parents decided to sit for either of these

exams, the school offered them extra-programmatic lessons in order to reinforce their

knowledge of the different skills evaluated and to get acquainted with the examinations’


In November, the 8 students took the exams and all of them passed successfully.

This past March, we officially gave them out their Cambridge Certificates in a solemn,

meaningful ceremony with their parents’ presence.

These are our first 8 students who passed the Cambridge Exams:

First Certificate:

Benjamín Fuenzalida, Sofía Matus and Pascale Smol

Preliminary English Test:

Luca Gencarelli, Vicente Ruiz, Camila Bahamondes, Matías Verdugo, Gabrielle Sheer and

Sebastián Salazar.


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